Delhi women were given free self-defense lessons to equip them foil assault, street harassment etc in a power-packed workshop where US Marine Commandos showed us some powerful moves

Girls learn hands-on, how to overpower a stronger opponent at our workshop

Our signature women safety workshops are a big hit with women of all ages

Mr Darry Woolfolk, Public Diplomacy Officer of the US Embassy honours SLAP Founder Mriganka Dadwal and trainer Sandeep Dahiya at an event

Students of Delhi University present a heart-rending play to highlight gender-violence faced by women

Students of Delhi University present a heart-rending play to highlight gender-violence faced by women

BBC Editor, Sachin Gogoi in talks with Ex DGP, Delhi Shri L N Rao & NLU Prof Abha Yadav to address legal aspects of gender-based violence to empower women with knowledge of their rights

Does cinema normalize certain toxic behaviours and even romanticizes violence? Filmmaker Kashan Mustafa and Psychologist Dr Chavi Bhargava sensitize youth at a SLAP event

The only way to end gender-based violence is through creating safe spaces for men and women to have an open dialogue about attitudes which limit their potential

SLAP educating at a Seminar on Sexual Harassment Prevention

SLAP conducted a 24 workshop series with Govt of India to train girls against stalking, assault & harassment

Women learning Self-Defense and Safety Hacks at a SLAP session

Breaking Gender Stereotypes through a hilarious Street Play at a college fest

SLAP trainers demonstrate fight back techniques to overpower an opponent double your size

Contestants of Mrs Delhi NCR beauty pageant got trained by Team SLAP on personal safety

A Ramboll India's CSR initiative led by SLAP to mentor girls from low-income families

ADYA equipped mentees with a biz card, resume, elevator pitch all designed by them in our digital literacy classes

A woman with a voice is a woman with a choice -- public speaking classes equipped our mentees to share their stories with confidence

ADYA mentees won smartphones in elevator pitch contest

SLAP's annual Diwali bash supports orphanages in Delhi and Uttarkhand with ration, stationery and other essential commodities

And when a fire broke in an orphanage, our kind donors helped set-up an activity centre for the kids

Donors celebrate a birthday with orphanage kids and spread some cheer with SLAP

Journalists from 5 states volunteered for SLAP to reach rations to slums when wave after wave of Covid hit India

Honorable Minister Shri Vijay Goel kicks off the Safe Delhi campaign for women safety with SLAP Team

DCP PCR Monika Bhardwaj ji supporting SLAP's initiative on the sets of DoorDarshan

SLAP's educator teaches kids the basics of financial literacy

SLAP organized a Street Art contest at IIT Delhi fest to sensitize youth and future corporate leaders on Gender Equality

A still from SLAP's session to break gender stereotypes among young boys & girls

Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse session with Parents & Kids -- Barriers break when people talk